
This node informs about the current mouse position and left mouse button status.

The input slot named reference can be connected to any data node. If this data node visualizes its content, the mouse position is given relative to the area where the reference node displays its data.

The output slots x and y return the mouse position. The position is given relative to the visualization area of the reference data node. The upper left corner of the visualization area corresponds to $x=0.0$, $y=0.0$ and the lower right corner to $x=1.0$, $y=1.0$.

The IsInArea slot is true if the mouse pointer is inside of the visualization area of the reference data node.

The IsDown slot is true if the left mouse button was pressed down during the current time step. It remains true for all following time steps until the user releases the mouse again.

In contrast, the Clicked slot is true only if the left mouse button was pressed down during the current time step.

The example FollowMouse demonstrates the usage of this node.