
This node accumulates image intensities over time. The weight $w_{\mathrm{in}}$ of the current input image can be set via the input slot weight. There are two modes that can be selected via the mode input slot:

  • Mode = 0: Add
  • Mode = 1: Composite
If mode = 0 (Add), the color of each output pixel is updated by:
$\begin{pmatrix}R'_{\mathrm{out}}\\G'_{\mathrm{out}}\\B'_{\mathrm{out}}\\A'_{\mathrm{out}}\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}R_{\mathrm{out}}\\G_{\mathrm{out}}\\B_{\mathrm{out}}\\A_{\mathrm{out}}\end{pmatrix} + w_{\mathrm{in}} \begin{pmatrix}R_{\mathrm{in}}\\G_{\mathrm{in}}\\B_{\mathrm{in}}\\A_{\mathrm{in}}\end{pmatrix}$
If mode = 1 (Composite), the color of each output pixel is updated by:
$\begin{pmatrix}R'_{\mathrm{out}}\\G'_{\mathrm{out}}\\B'_{\mathrm{out}}\\A'_{\mathrm{out}}\end{pmatrix} = (1 - w_{\mathrm{in}}A_{\mathrm{in}}) \begin{pmatrix}R_{\mathrm{out}}\\G_{\mathrm{out}}\\B_{\mathrm{out}}\\A_{\mathrm{out}}\end{pmatrix} + w_{\mathrm{in}} \begin{pmatrix}R_{\mathrm{in}}\\G_{\mathrm{in}}\\B_{\mathrm{in}}\\A_{\mathrm{in}}\end{pmatrix}$
The input slot named clamp select whether the output pixel color should be clamped to range [0.0, 1.0] or not. If reset is true, the output is set to the color passed to the background input slot.

The example Accumulate demonstrates the usage of this node.