Currently, there are five different filter approaches implemented that can be selected via the approach slot:
- Approach = 0: Hamming windowed-sinc filter
- Approach = 1: Blackman windowed-sinc filter
- Approach = 2: BlackmanNuttal windowed-sinc filter
- Approach = 3: Lanczos windowed-sinc filter
- Approach = 4: Butterworth IIR filter
Freq. response in dB
The diagram above shows the frequency response of different approaches for a cut-off frequency of 0.25. It can be observed that the approaches have different roll-offs and rejection band attenuations. The IIR Butterworth filter performs
worst but is an order of magnitude faster to execute.
The quality input slot controls the length of the filter. A larger quality value will typically result in better filter performance
but longer computation times.
The example named Lowpass demonstrates the basic usage of this node.